Belmont International English

Practical Matters


Survival skills for activities of daily living

This page is still under construction.  You may still download some signs.

In my upper level classes, I tend more toward a literary emphasis, but in the mid and lower level classes, I emphasize more of the skils required for daily activities.  I use a lot of visual aids for these activities.  These visual images can be useful in a number of ways.  On the road sign activity, for example, some signs may have words that are unfamiliar.

Other signs using symbols may be easy to interpret, but may provide an opportunity for a student to explain in his own words the meaning of a sign.


Click here to download ZIP file with about thirty miscellaneous signs in JPG format. SIGNS 1

Click here to download ZIP file with about thirty miscellaneous signs in JPG format. SIGNS 5

Click here to download ZIP file with about thirty miscellaneous signs in JPG format. SIGNS 6